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Driving Sustainability: Ecological Impact Of SmartBot Parking

This article delves into the ecological impact of the SmartBot Parking, focusing on its role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions within the urban landscape. Through a comprehensive examination of the project’s design and functionality, the article unveils the potential reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions. The analysis includes a detailed calculation, offering insights into the project’s capacity to contribute positively to environmental sustainability. By exploring the intersection of innovative technology and ecological responsibility, this article sheds light on how SmartBot Parking stands as a promising solution in the quest for greener and more sustainable urban environments.

As the world grapples with the escalating concerns of climate change and environmental degradation, the need for sustainable urban practices has never been more pressing.

In the ever-evolving landscape of urban development and technological innovation, the integration of smart solutions has become a defining factor in shaping the future of our cities. One such groundbreaking advancement that holds the promise of transforming urban mobility and infrastructure is the implementation of smart parking solutions. While these intelligent systems aim to alleviate the perennial challenge of parking congestion, their ecological impact remains a critical aspect that demands thorough examination.

SmartBot Parking is one of such smart parking solutions. Technology developed by SmartBot Parking empowers the city by providing detailed insights into parking space activities, including real-time information on events, precise arrival and departure times of vehicles, and the registration numbers associated with each parked car. Drivers can benefit from this solution by accessing real-time information on the availability of specific parking spaces, ultimately reducing the time spent searching for an open spot.

Ecological impact of this solution consist of 2 factors:
1) Favoriser la durabilité: With the city possessing a comprehensive dataset on parking space utilization, settling parking bills becomes nearly unavoidable. This results in a shift in mindset and a reassessment of the necessity to rely on a personal car for every journey.
2) Moins de temps passé sur la route: Because road users will have access to the data about availability of parking spaces they will spend less time searching for the available parking space.
3) Réduction des embouteillages: Because less people uses their personal vehicles and because they spend less time on searching for a free parking space, the road traffic will be reduced. This, in turn, will lead to reduction in traffic jams.

Let’s take a closer look at these factors.

Favoriser la durabilité

In one of our previous articles [1] we already mentioned this ecological aspect of our solution. According to our expert review, we are assuming people will be using their personal vehicles 20% less. Based on this estimation we can calculate the approximate greenhouse gas emission impact.

According to statistics [2,3] 22% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU come from road transport, in the US this is even more – 26%. Approximately 60% of them are personal vehicles. That’s said, 22% * 60% = 13.2% of total greenhouse gas emissions come from personal vehicles.

So if personal vehicles are used 20% less overall greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 13.2% * 20% = 2.64%.

Moins de temps passé sur la route

According to statistic average travel duration in France is about 25 minutes (though, this value depends on location and is different for other countries). Because SmartBot Parking provides the data to drivers about availability of parking spaces, they spend less time searching for a free parking space. The time spent on search for the parking space varies on the location and can be up to 15 minutes. Our experts estimate that access to the information about available parking spaces will affect the average travel duration and it will be decreased by 3 minutes. That’s said, the average travel duration will be decreased by 12%. Assuming that 70% of road user will benefit from this information it will reduce overall greengas emissions by 22% * 70% * 12% = 1.85%

Efficacité du trafic

Based on TomTom statistics [4], inefficient traffic contributes 10 to 15% of total greenhouse gas emissions (about 14% for France).

As mentioned above, personal vehicles will be used 20% less.
The decrease in the number of road users has a direct impact on the average traffic speed. This dual effect of reduced road users and increased traffic speed contributes to a decline in the congestion index. Additionally, the decrease in average commute time further reduces the number of road users and alleviates congestion. Each of these factors collectively enhances the overall efficiency of traffic. Based on our calculations, we anticipate a 30% improvement in traffic efficiency. This translates to a corresponding 30% reduction in inefficient traffic.

So if emissions caused by inefficient traffic will be reduced by 30%, overall greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 14% * 30% = 4.2%.

Impact total des émissions de gaz à effet de serre

So, given the numbers above, overall greenhouse gas emission will be reduced by 2.64% + 1.85% + 4.2% = 8.69%.

But the statement above is true only for cities of presence, where SmartBot Parking technology is deployed. Given that SmartBot Parking aims at 10% maket share overall impact on worlds greenhouse gas emissions is 8.69% * 10% = 0.87%.

In conclusion, SmartBot Parking emerges as a visionary project with a clear mission: securing a substantial 10% market share. The significance of this objective extends beyond mere industry dominance, as successfully attaining this share holds the potential to catalyze a noteworthy environmental impact. A reduction of overall greenhouse gas emissions by almost 1% is no small feat and underscores the transformative power of innovative solutions in the realm of urban mobility. As we navigate the challenges of sustainable living, initiatives like SmartBot Parking exemplify the convergence of technology and eco-consciousness, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future in our urban landscapes.


[1] Using Event-Driven Camera In Street Parking Management System For Increasing Of City Budget https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344043483_USING_EVENT-DRI VEN_CAMERA_IN_STREET_PARKING_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM_FOR _INCREASING_OF_CITY_BUDGET

[2] CO2 Emissions – Transport & Environment

Emissions de CO2

[3] Traffic Congestion and Greenhouse Gases

https://www.accessmagazine.org/fall-2009/traffic-congestion-greenhouse-g ases/

[4] TomTom Traffic Index

https://www.tomtom.com/newsroom/explainers-and-insights/the-true-enviro nmental-cost-of-inner-city-congestion/

[5] Impact Of Congestion On Greenhouse Gas Emissions For Road Transport In Mumbai Metropolitan Region https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146517305896